Dart Boolean


Dart Boolean

Dart Boolean data type is used to check whether a given statement true or false. The true and false are the two values of the Boolean type, which are both compile-time constants. In Dart

, The numeric value 1 or 0 cannot be used to specify the true or false. The bool keyword is used to represent the Boolean value. The syntax of declaring the Boolean variable is given below.

Syntax -

  1. bool var_name = true;    
  2. OR    
  3. bool var_name = false;  

Consider the following example.

void main() {  

  1. bool check;  
  2. check = 20>10;  
  3. print("The statement is = ${check}");  
  4. }  



Explaination -

We have declared the bool variable check that will use to verify the given expression. The expression 20>12 returned the true and we printed the result
